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The production and warehouse complex is located in the Petrodvortsovy district of St. Petersburg and in the Arkhangelsk region and is about 3500 square meters.

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"Pantry of the sun" - this is how the famous writer-naturalist Mikhail Prishvin called the northern berries.


Arkhangelsk region is generous with various gifts of the forest - berries, mushrooms. The soil of the northern regions is almost not cultivated for agriculture, mineral fertilizers and pesticides are not applied to it, therefore it is clean and has the most complete and balanced composition of all minerals. their valuables. Therefore, northern berries are so useful and rightfully occupy a high place in berry therapy, have healing properties and contain many useful vitamins and microelements.

Собственная сеть, составляющая более 100 заготовительных пунктов в 24 районах,на всей территории Архангельской области,собственный парк автомобильной техники,дает возможность осуществлять контроль_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_quality at all stages of manufacturing and packaging. We give the opportunity to earn money to local residents.

After primary processing, berries and mushrooms go through the process of freezing, cleaning and packaging. Our production uses the latest equipment that allows you to save all the useful properties of forest gifts. All products have certificates,  corresponding GOST standard.  In order to keep the products  for the customer in proper condition, we use IQF blast freezing technology. Our capacities will allow freezing up to 20 tons per day. Further, the products go through several stages of cleaning, sorting, packaged frozen in individual packaging, which allows you to keep the berries and mushrooms in the proper form and delivered by transport to warehouses in the Petrodvoretsky district, where further distribution takes place through distribution channels.

We have a staff of vehicles that allow us to transport products in compliance with the temperature regime. The warehouses also maintain the necessary temperature and humidity control for storing berries and mushrooms in frozen form.

The main attraction of our company is that we do not purchase raw materials from other countries and regions, but is intended to have only products of our own production 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_for certain consumer groups. This is a significant difference from our competitors. According to analysts and marketing experts, the market is currently so overflowing with offers that the only way out is to create products for the individuality of almost every consumer.

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